Mobile intranet for Gazprombank
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Mobile technologies have changed the way we live and work. Photos, music, communication, games, documents, and services... The new mobile world 
has also changed the banks—now they are digital, mobile, and always ready to help their clients. 

These changes, however, impact not only the client-facing, but also internal processes. For Gazprombank, we developed a mobile intranet—an 
internal enterprise application. Now Gazprombank employees have everything they need in one place: their smartphone.
Anastasia SirikovaProject Manager, Globus
Working with major banks, like Gazprombank, is always very interesting and challenging. We are happy that our application has changed their corporate culture, adding a seamless extention to the bank’s IT infrastructure.
Oleg PaninProject Director, Gazprombank
It was a pleasant experience working with Globus. They always managed to find common ground, even on the most complicated issues. We are positive that this highly promising cooperation will unleash its full potential in the further development of our mobile products.
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